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“Feldenkrais® classes have made me aware of the habitual tension I have long held in my body and how I can release that tension and move with much greater ease and comfort. Awareness through Movement® classes always leave me with a heightened sense of balance, well-being, calmness and improved flexibility/decreased discomfort. Russell is an excellent teacher—knowledgeable, gentle, non-judgmental, relaxed, and good humored. I highly recommend the Feldenkrais Method® and Russell as an instructor”
Tips for an Online Awareness Through Movement® Class
Have ample, padded space on the floor for you to stretch out your arms and legs. You may wish to have some foam pads or folded towels nearby for additional support.
If you experience any connectivity issues with the online platform, try turning off your video. This will often resolve the issue.
If you have not already downloaded Zoom, the platform we use for online classes, please do so here: